Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Introduction and Purpose

Hi, I am a 50 year old gringa who lives in Houston, Texas.  My name is Tami.   I have a boyfriend - mi novio - who is was born in Panama, grew up in Colombia and his mom lives in Honduras now. 

Since I am trying to learn spanish and mi novio Luis, nickname Colombia, is trying to learn english and we both speak quite a bit of spanglish I would create a blog in english and another one in spanish for practice.  The one in spanish is called 
Cultural Viajero. 

I wouldn't say I was fluent in spanish but I am learning.  As I said Colombia and I speak pretty much in spanglish.  He says mucho frio whenever the temperature is less than about 65.  I laugh and say no, pequito frio.  

I went to Guatemala a while back and went to spanish language school.  It was a very inexpensive and enjoyable vacation.  It costs $360 American dollars to go to spanish school for 2 weeks, and that price includes room and board.  

Here is a picture of mi novio Colombia.  He is 47.  Isn't he cute.  I have known him about a year and we have been going out since October.

I will try posting and responding regularly on both blogs and see how that works.   I will be blogging about my travels and things I do.  Colombia and I might go to Guatemala and Honduras so I can meet his mother.  He has a valid work permit but he is  a little afraid to leave.  He's afraid something might go wrong and they won't let him back in.  He wants me to go to see his mother by myself but that would be awkward.    Any suggestions.  We also want to go to Jamaica and other places.  

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